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Medieval Helmets

List of the helmets in production: Cervelliere, Spangenhelm, Nasal helmet, Bascinet, Barbute, Close helmet, Combat helmet, Great helm, Coppergate Helmet, Coventry Sallet, Frog-mouth helm, Horned helmet, Kettle hat, Visor (armor).

The Medieval helmet of the ninth and tenth century do not differ substantially from those of the Romans. Typical of this period is the Cervelliere Helmet. Towards the end of the 12th century. He begins the dualism between Bascinet, which is linked to the helmet Cervelliera and from which derive the following helmets to war, and the real combat helmet, which will develop the helmets knight tournament, and parade. In the 13th century. helmet became more closed and eventually cover the entire scalp; characteristic is the helmet cylinder-conical holes for breathing, with one or two horizontal slits for the eyes. In the 14th century. the helmet is developing increasingly perfecting the defensive point of view; often with the addition of the Cervelliere chainmail was reinforced, which grew into Barbute; Bascinet was added to the visor, it is particularly heavy helmets used in the most brutal fighting. This page highlights medieval helmets wearables. Our medieval replica helmet follow original designs very closely of the museums.

reproductions of medieval helmets looks like it came out of a museum.

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Reproductions of Medieval-style swords made of cast metal adorned with symbols characteristic of the Knights with a special focus on ancient and medieval world. Ancient Weapon.

XIII Century Sword

Sales price with discount:
34,90 €
34,90 €
34,90 €
Tax amount:

Wooden medieval sword

Sales price with discount:
42,92 €
42,92 €
42,92 €
Tax amount:

Viking sword IX - X century

Sales price with discount:
234,00 €
234,00 €
234,00 €
Tax amount:

Viking Sword - Battle Ready Sword

Sales price with discount:
269,90 €
269,90 €
269,90 €
Tax amount:

Viking Sword

Sales price with discount:
125,00 €
125,00 €
125,00 €
Tax amount:

Viking sword

Sales price with discount:
228,00 €
228,00 €
228,00 €
Tax amount:

Viking Sword

Sales price with discount:
125,00 €
125,00 €
125,00 €
Tax amount:

Viking Dagger

Sales price with discount:
68,00 €
68,00 €
68,00 €
Tax amount:

US Sergeant Rapier 1840

Sales price with discount:
74,00 €
74,00 €
74,00 €
Tax amount:

Two-handed sword XVth-XVIth cen.

Sales price with discount:
143,00 €
143,00 €
143,00 €
Tax amount:

Tizona Espanola Calade

Sales price with discount:
224,00 €
224,00 €
224,00 €
Tax amount:

The Mace of Sauron and The One Ring - Lord of the Rings

649,00 €

Valid until 30/06/2024 or until stock runs out

649,00 €
-7.85 %
Sales price with discount:
598,00 €
598,00 €
Sales price without tax: 598,00 €
Discount: -51,00 €
Tax amount:

The Best Of Sword Highlander Silver

Sales price with discount:
520,00 €
520,00 €
520,00 €
Tax amount:

Templar Sword with scabbard

128,00 €

Valid until 30/06/2024 or until stock runs out

128,00 €
-91.4 %
Sales price with discount:
11,00 €
11,00 €
Sales price without tax: 11,00 €
Discount: -117,00 €
Tax amount:

Templar Sword - Knights Templar Sword

Sales price with discount:
197,00 €
197,00 €
197,00 €
Tax amount:

Templar Sword

Sales price with discount:
219,00 €
219,00 €
219,00 €
Tax amount:

Templar Sword

Sales price with discount:
239,00 €
239,00 €
239,00 €
Tax amount:

Templar Dagger with Leather Scabbard

Sales price with discount:
75,00 €
75,00 €
75,00 €
Tax amount:

Templar Dagger

Sales price with discount:
148,00 €
148,00 €
148,00 €
Tax amount:

Sword XVII Century Spanish cup

Sales price with discount:
32,00 €
32,00 €
32,00 €
Tax amount:

Sword SS officer Mod.1938

Sales price with discount:
129,00 €
129,00 €
129,00 €
Tax amount:

Sword Roland

314,00 €

Valid until 30/06/2024 or until stock runs out

314,00 €
-36.6 %
Sales price with discount:
199,00 €
199,00 €
Sales price without tax: 199,00 €
Discount: -115,00 €
Tax amount:

Sword Richard the Lionheart

Sales price with discount:
284,00 €
284,00 €
284,00 €
Tax amount:

Sword Reyes Catolicos

Sales price with discount:
372,00 €
372,00 €
372,00 €
Tax amount:
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