Porcelain Figurines - SibaniaSibania Porcelain figurines, Classic Porcelain and Home Decor. Created a new way to produce porcelain figures, on one hand by the application of tulle on eighteenth century style figures and, on the other, by a typically vicentine (Italy) form of ceramics. Each piece is then dried and subjected firing at 1300 °C. After this extremely "hot" firing, the bisque is cleaned and sometimes smoothed to prepare it for decoration. Decorations with an amalgamation of colour, turpentine and vavender essence. The colour is "faded" with special brushes, or "tamponed" with a sponge. Finally the colour is fired in the "third firing", which we do at 950 °C, since we use lead-free colours. Sub CategorysPorcelain Sculpture - girl sitting - FedericaSales price with discount: 264,00 € 264,00 € 264,00 € Discount: Tax amount: Sculpture depicting little girl sitting - AnitaSales price with discount: 186,00 € 186,00 € 186,00 € Discount: Tax amount: Sculpture depicting little girl sitting- AriannaSales price with discount: 231,00 € 231,00 € 231,00 € Discount: Tax amount: Sculpture depicting little girl sitting, EvelinaSales price with discount: 182,00 € 182,00 € 182,00 € Discount: Tax amount: Sculpture depicting little girl sitting,CaterinaSales price with discount: 292,00 € 292,00 € 292,00 € Discount: Tax amount: |